Andreas Rossberg

Rock District Instructor

After nearly 10 years of full-time ski patrol in the winters and rock climbing road trips in the summers, I returned to school and ended up with a BS in biology and a MA in education (both from the UO). I taught high school science for a couple years before returning to Lane Community College, where I still teach biology part-time. I have been teaching climbing at the UO for about five years, and have taught Rock 1, Climbing Fitness, and Intro to Lead Climbing (both indoors and outdoors).

Climbing is more than just a sport - it is a way of life and one of the best ways to stay fit for life. I believe that everyone can benefit from climbing, and I want to share my experiences in order to inspire others.

My classes are very hands-on oriented, so my students can count on plenty of climbing time - with lots of tips and tricks thrown in. Self-discovery is the best way to develop an appreciation for outdoor activities, so I like to give my students plenty of time to make friends and have fun on the wall.

Even after more than 20 years of climbing, I still get outside a couple days a week (weather permitting) in addition to week-long climbing trips during school breaks. When I am teaching, I bicycle commute to LCC on my biology days.

Climbing also led me to another exciting line of work: entertainment rigging. If you have ever been to a concert or show at a theater, arena, stadium or music festival in Oregon, there is a good chance that I had something to do with hanging the lights and sound equipment up there.